Digital Photography – Filters – Part II

Texturizing filters
These filters are similar to Rendering filters in three-dimensional modelling programs. For example, lighting effects simulate a light shining on the image, and by altering the “surface” of the image, the light appears to give the image a texture. These filters make heavy demands on the computer and you may find large files cannot be processed if the machine does not have enough RAM.Distortion filters
In essence, Distortion filters work by changing the position of a pixel in an image by moving its value onto another pixel while leaving the original colour and brightness information intact. The key point here is that the distance the pixel value is moved depends on its original position.Art Materials filters
Filters that imitate the effects of artists’ materials can be very-rewarding. Different software packages approach this class of filter with varying degrees of success – ultimately, a filter that applies its effects in an indiscriminate manner across an image is not as versatile as building up effects by hand. However, they do provide quick solutions: the trick is in selecting the right type of image to work on. Choose those with simple outlines and clear shapes that do not rely on intricate details.Crosshatch
This filter is often more effective when it is applied to black and white images, as it mimics the strokes used by artists to cover an area in tone. You need to experiment with different settings for length of stroke and other features (above). You have a choice of applying another filter to improve the Art Materials filter’s appearance or to change the image to a black and white. Another option with an image such as the one here, is to print it onto highly textured paper. If you select the right paper stock, the interaction of the crosshatched strokes and the texture of the paper can create a very real impression of an artist’s work.

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